Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de breathe

to breatherespirar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I breatheyo respiro
you breathetú respiras
he breathesél respira
she breathesella respira
we breathenosotros respiramos
you breathevosotros respiráis
they breatheellos respiran
they breatheellas respiran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I breathedyo respiré
you breathedtú respiraste
he breathedél respiró
she breathedella respiró
we breathednosotros respiramos
you breathedvosotros respirasteis
they breathedellos respiraron
they breathedellas respiraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have breathedyo he respirado
you have breathedtú has respirado
he has breathedél ha respirado
she has breathedella ha respirado
we have breathednosotros hemos respirado
you have breathedvosotros habéis respirado
they have breathedellos han respirado
they have breathedellas han respirado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had breathedyo había respirado
you had breathedtú habías respirado
he had breathedél había respirado
she had breathedella había respirado
we had breathednosotros habíamos respirado
you had breathedvosotros habíais respirado
they had breathedellos habían respirado
they had breathedellas habían respirado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will breatheyo respiraré
you will breathetú respirarás
he will breatheél respirará
she will breatheella respirará
we will breathenosotros respiraremos
you will breathevosotros respiraréis
they will breatheellos respirarán
they will breatheellas respirarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have breathedyo habré respirado
you will have breathedtú habrás respirado
he will have breathedél habrá respirado
she will have breathedella habrá respirado
we will have breathednosotros habremos respirado
you will have breathedvosotros habréis respirado
they will have breathedellos habrán respirado
they will have breathedellas habrán respirado

I would breatheyo respiraría
you would breathetú respirarías
he would breatheél respiraría
she would breatheella respiraría
we would breathenosotros respiraríamos
you would breathevosotros respiraríais
they would breatheellos respirarían
they would breatheellas respirarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have breathedyo habría respirado
you would have breathedtú habrías respirado
he would have breathedél habría respirado
she would have breathedella habría respirado
we would have breathednosotros habríamos respirado
you would have breathedvosotros habríais respirado
they would have breathedellos habrían respirado
they would have breathedellas habrían respirado

Participio presenteAnotado
breathing respirando

Participio pasadoAnotado
breathed respirado

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